Customs and Border Protection
Results of May 2024 Unannounced Inspections of CBP Holding Facilities in the Tucson Area - (REDACTED)
Report NumberOIG-25-14Issue DateDocument FileDHS AgencyFiscal Year2025Customs and Border Protection Officer Sentenced for Receiving Bribes to Allow Drug-Laden Vehicles and Unauthorized Immigrants to Enter the U.S.
Former CBP IT employee pleads guilty to stealing and attempting to sell 27 government computers
CBP, ICE, and TSA Did Not Fully Assess Risks Associated with Releasing Noncitizens without Identification into the United States and Allowing Them to Travel on Domestic Flights - (REDACTED)
Report NumberOIG-24-65Issue DateDocument FileFiscal Year2024CBP Needs to Improve Its Management of the Facility Condition Assessment Program
Report NumberOIG-24-58Issue DateDocument FileDHS AgencyFiscal Year2024U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officer Sentenced for Civil Rights Violation and Falsifying Records
CBP's Office of Field Operations Used Overtime in Accordance with Policies and Procedures
Report NumberOIG-24-54Issue DateDocument FileDHS AgencyFiscal Year2024CBP Conducts Individualized Assessments but Does Not Comprehensively Assess Land Port of Entry Operations
Report NumberOIG-24-51Issue DateDocument FileDHS AgencyFiscal Year2024CBP Needs to Improve its Oversight and Monitoring of Penalty Cases
Report NumberOIG-24-49Issue DateDocument FileDHS AgencyFiscal Year2024