Ongoing Projects
New | Title Sort descending | Project Objective | DHS Component | Mission Area |
Older than 30 days | 2024 Unannounced Inspections of ICE Adult Detention Facilities | Determine whether ICE detention facilities are complying with select standards outlined in ICE's Detention Standards. |
ICE | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | 2025 Unannounced Inspections of ICE Adult Detention Facilities | Determine whether ICE detention facilities are complying with select standards outlined in ICE's Detention Standards. |
ICE | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | Assessment of CBP's Inbound Inspections at Northern Border Crossings | Determine to what extent CBP's inbound inspection process at the northern border identifies illegal border crossings. |
CBP | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | Audit of CBP Mobile Device Management and Security | To determine the extent to which CBP manages and secures its mobile devices. |
CBP, DHS | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
Older than 30 days | Audit of CBP's Information Technology Access Controls | To determine the extent to which CBP is applying information technology access controls to help prevent unauthorized access to its information and systems. |
CBP | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | Audit of DHS Technology for Sharing Emerging Domestic Terrorism Threats | To determine whether DHS has adequate technology to identify and share actionable information on emerging domestic terror threats with its external partners. |
Other | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | Audit of FEMA Expenditures | To analyze FEMA expenditures to identify fraudulent, wasteful, abusive, duplicative, excessive, irregular, or otherwise unallowable payments. |
DHS, FEMA | Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience |
Older than 30 days | Audit of FEMA's Assessment of Community Trends | To determine how well FEMA followed its policies and procedures when addressing safety concerns and determining community trends that impact disaster survivor assistance in response to Hurricanes Irene and Milton. |
FEMA | Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience |
New | Audit of FEMA's Progress in Implementing the Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018 (DRRA) Provisions | Determine to what extent FEMA has implemented the Provisions of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018 (DRRA). |
FEMA | Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience |
New | Audit of the Department of Homeland Security's FY 2025 Consolidated Financial Statements and Internal Control over Financial Reporting | The objective of this audit is to (1) report on the fairness of presentation of DHS' FY 2024 consolidated financial statements (balance sheet, statement of net cost, statement of changes in net position, statement of budgetary resources, and statement of custodial activity); (2) report on internal control over financial reporting; (3) perform tests of those controls to determine audit procedures, and report on weaknesses identified during the audit; and (4) perform tests of compliance with certain laws, regulations, and provisions of contracts or grant agreements and report on non-compliance which could have a material effect on the financial statements. |
DHS | Preserve and Uphold the Nation’s Prosperity and Economic Security |
Older than 30 days | Audit of Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Access Controls | To determine the extent to which TSA is applying information technology access controls to help prevent unauthorized access to its information and systems. |
TSA | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | Audit of TSA's Controls to Safeguard Watchlist Data | Determine the extent to which TSA has implemented controls to safeguard watchlist data shared with external partners and stakeholders. |
TSA | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | CBP and CWMD's Oversight of the Next Generation Mobile Radiation Portal Monitor Program | To determine to what extent CBP and CWMD defined operational requirements for the Next Generation Mobile Radiation Portal Monitor Program prior to procuring prototype systems for operational test and evaluation. |
CBP, Other | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | CBP and ICE Processes for Issuing Detainers Prior to Federal Prosecution | Assess whether U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have an effective process for issuing, acting upon, or lifting detainers placed on noncitizens for immigration enforcement-related Federal criminal proceedings in Del Rio, Texas. |
CBP, ICE | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | CBP Inspections of Passengers and Crew Disembarking Large Passenger Vessels at Sea Ports of Entry | Determine the extent U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) inspects passengers and crew as they disembark from large passenger vessels to prevent narcotics and contraband from entering the United States. |
CBP | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | CBP's Cross-Border Tunnel Threat Program Technology | Determine whether CBP's Cross-Border Tunnel Threat program has the technology to identify, assess, breach, and remediate cross-border tunnels. |
CBP | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | CBP's Detection of Fraudulent Travel Documentation | Determine the extent to which CBP has the capability to identify and prevent individuals from entering the United States using fraudulent travel documentation. |
CBP | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | CBP's Drug Detection Technology on the Southwest Border | To determine the extent CBP deployed technology and measured technology performance to detect drugs on the Southwest border. |
CBP | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | CBP's Management of Items Seized for Intellectual Property Rights Violation | Determine to what extent CBP has controls to track, store, dispose of, and report on items seized for Intellectual Property Rights violations. |
CBP | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | CBP's Screening of Visa Holders That Received Waivers from Department of State | To determine (1) the extent to which CBP was aware of Department of State policy changes to grant certain categories of visas without in-person interviews and biometrics; and (2) the extent to which CBP can identify and fully screen visa holders [with waivers] upon arrival at United States ports of entry. |
CBP | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | CBP’s Screening of Migrants from Central Asia Utilizing Human Smuggling Networks | Review U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) screening of Central Asian migrants who entered the United States with assistance from smuggling networks. |
CBP | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | CISA's Implementation and Use of its Cybersecurity Incentive Pay Programs | Determine whether CISA has appropriately implemented and complied with program requirements for its cybersecurity incentive pay programs to effectively recruit and retain employees with cybersecurity-related skills |
CISA | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
Older than 30 days | Coast Guard's Fast Response Cutter Mission Needs and Capabilities | To determine the extent to which the U.S. Coast Guard Fast Response Cutters address mission needs. |
Coast Guard | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | Comprehensive Summary of the Department of Homeland Security COVID-19 Response Challenges | To evaluate prior audits, inspections, and investigations of the Department of Homeland Security's COVID-19 pandemic response efforts to identify systemic issues that may impede mission effectiveness or efficiency. |
DHS | Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience |
Older than 30 days | Covert Testing of TSA's Checkpoint Screening Effectiveness | Our objective is to determine whether the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) checkpoint screening technologies, related procedures, and transportation security officers prevent threat items from commercial aircraft. |
TSA | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | Cybersecurity System Review of a selected High Value Asset system at the Department of Homeland Security's Headquarters | Determine whether DHS Headquarters implemented effective technical controls to protect sensitive information on its selected High Value Asset system. |
DHS | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
Older than 30 days | Department of Homeland Security's FY 2024 Compliance with the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019 (PIIA) | To determine to what extent DHS complied with the PIIA. |
DHS | Preserve and Uphold the Nation’s Prosperity and Economic Security |
Older than 30 days | DHS / NSA Joint Evaluation of Cyber Intrusion Prevention Efforts | To assess the actions taken by DHS in advance of, and in connection with, recent intrusions into U.S. Government and private networks |
CISA | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
New | DHS actions related to intelligence prior to the July 13, 2024 Butler, PA rally | To determine the Department’s posture and actions to identify, receive, and disseminate, and operationalize intelligence threat information related to then-former President Trump, including intelligence related to the July 13, 2024 Butler, PA rally. |
Secret Service, Other | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | DHS Familial DNA Testing Program | Determine the extent DHS conducts familial DNA testing to verify biological parent-child relationship. |
CBP, DHS, ICE | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
New | DHS Fentanyl Prevention Efforts | To determine the extent to which U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigation's (HSI) technologies, intelligence, and information sharing counter fentanyl entering the United States. |
ICE | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | DHS Law Enforcement Preparation for and Response to the January 6, 2021 Events at the U.S. Capitol | Evaluate DHS law enforcement components' preparation for and response to the events at the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021. |
DHS | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
New | DHS Oversight to Promote Aviation Sector Compliance with DHS' Cybersecurity Guidance | To determine how well DHS can ensure the aviation sector complies with cybersecurity requirements to maintain operational security and continuity for travelers. |
CISA, TSA | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | DHS Technology to Reduce Wildfire Impacts | Determine the extent to which DHS' sensor technology detects wildfires and alerts partners and the public to provide advance notice to reduce loss of life and property. |
Other | Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience |
Older than 30 days | DHS' Administration and Enforcement of Immigration Laws for Dismissals of Noncitizens Cases | Determine whether DHS' process for referring immigration cases for dismissal and subsequent actions taken ensure the proper administration and enforcement of immigration laws. |
CBP, ICE | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | DHS' Artificial Intelligence Governance and Capabilities | To determine the extent DHS has developed and implemented governance for the management of artificial intelligence. |
DHS | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
Older than 30 days | DHS' Compliance with the Geospatial Data Act of 2018 | To assess DHS' progress in fulfilling the requirements of the Geospatial Data Act of 2018, including the geospatial data standards and covered agency responsibilities. |
DHS | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | DHS' Monitoring of the End of Immigration Parole | Assess whether the Department of Homeland Security has processes, procedures, and resources to monitor the end of immigration parole to ensure parolees are lawfully present in the United States and determine what enforcement consequences exist for parolees who stay in the United States after parole expiration or revocation. |
CBP, ICE, USCIS | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | Effectiveness of CISA's Secure Cloud Business Applications Project | To assess the effectiveness of CISA's efforts to help secure Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FCEB) information assets stored within cloud environments through the Secure Cloud Business Applications (SCuBA) project. |
CISA | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
Older than 30 days | Evaluation of DHS' Compliance with Federal Information Security Modernization Act Requirements for Intelligence Systems for Fiscal Year 2024 | To determine the Department's effectiveness in managing its intelligence information program and information technology systems for FY 2024. |
Other | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
Older than 30 days | Evaluation of DHS' Information Security Program for Fiscal Year 2024 | Determine whether DHS' information security program and practices are adequate and effective in protecting DHS' operations and assets for FY 2024. Mandated review. |
DHS | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
Older than 30 days | Evaluation of DHS' Information Security Program for Fiscal Year 2025 | Determine whether DHS' information security program and practices are adequate and effective in protecting DHS' operations and assets for FY 2025. Mandated review. |
DHS | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
Older than 30 days | Evaluation of the Merchant Mariner Credentials Suspension and Revocation Process | Evaluate the United States Coast Guard's process for the suspension and revocation of Merchant Mariner Credentials (MMC). |
Coast Guard | Preserve and Uphold the Nation’s Prosperity and Economic Security |
Older than 30 days | Federal Emergency Management Agency's Performance Measures for the National Drug Control Program | Determine to what extent FEMA's Drug Control Performance Measures accurately reflect Operation Stonegarden Program's performance and whether the right programs are in place to achieve the goals of the President's National Drug Control Strategy. |
FEMA | Champion the DHS Workforce and Strengthen the Department |
Older than 30 days | FEMA Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program | Determine the extent to which FEMA's processes for soliciting, evaluating, and selecting Flood Management Assistance grant recipients of Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act funding are consistent with requirements of laws, regulations, policy, and guidance. |
FEMA | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
Older than 30 days | FEMA Grant to Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority Supporting Hurricane Maria | Determine to what extent FEMA ensures Puerto Rico manages public assistance grant funds for its electrical power grid according to Federal regulations and FEMA guidelines. |
FEMA | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
Older than 30 days | FEMA's Administration of the Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) | To determine whether costs reimbursed by FEMA's Port Security Grant Program were allowable and paid in accordance with relevant laws and policies, and to determine what extent FEMA's administration of the program strengthens the security and resiliency of the nation's ports against emerging threats. |
FEMA | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | FEMA's Oversight of Shelter and Services Program for Noncitizens | To determine to what extent FEMA managed the Shelter and Services Program funding to ensure that expenditures complied with applicable laws and regulations. |
CBP, FEMA | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | FEMA's Oversight of State Critical Infrastructure Resilience Planning | Determine to what extent FEMA assists states in including key infrastructure areas in preparedness and mitigation plans. |
FEMA | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
Older than 30 days | FEMA's Use of Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Funds to Manage the National Dam Safety Program | Determine the effect IIJA funding has on FEMA's management of the National Dam Safety Program. |
FEMA | Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience |
Older than 30 days | FY 2023 Unannounced Inspections of ICE Adult Detention Facilities | Determine whether ICE detention facilities are complying with select standards outlined in ICE's Performance-Based National Detention Standards. |
ICE | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | FY25 CBP Unannounced Inspections | Determine whether U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) complies with the national standards for Transport, Escort, Detention, and Search (TEDS) and, when applicable, with other standards, policies, and directives related to conditions of detention for migrants. |
CBP | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | ICE Enforcement of Visa Overstays |
To determine to what extent ICE enforces visa overstays. |
ICE | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
New | ICE's Management of Student and Exchange Visitor Program School Certification | To determine whether ICE manages the Student and Exchange Visitor Program in accordance with Federal law and agency guidance. |
ICE | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | Inadequate Prenatal Care and Staffing Deficiencies at ICE IHSC-run facilities | - Evaluate compliance with existing requirements for reporting, timely intake medical assessments, and access to offsite obstetric-gynecological care, for pregnant detainees at IHSC-run facilities. |
ICE | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | Joint DoD/DHS Audit of the of U.S. Coast Guard's Compliance with Cybersecurity Controls for DoD Information Network Systems | To determine whether the Coast Guard is in compliance with controls to protect Coast Guard systems and networks used and operated on the DoD Information Network (DODIN) in accordance with Federal and applicable agency cybersecurity requirements. |
Coast Guard | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
Older than 30 days | Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) Mobile Device Management and Security | To determine the extent to which I&A manages and secures its mobile devices. |
Other | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
Older than 30 days | Office of Intelligence and Analysis' Quality Assurance Process Over DHS' Nominations to the Terrorist Watchlist | Determine to what extent DHS' Office of Intelligence and Analysis has a quality assurance process for nominating individuals to the terrorist watchlist. |
Other | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | Oversight of Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Contract Solicitations | To determine whether DHS components ensured solicitations for contract bids using IIJA funds complied with IIJA requirements; were fair, open, and competitive; and complied with Federal and agency acquisition laws and regulations. |
CBP, CISA, Coast Guard, DHS, Other | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
Older than 30 days | Review of asylum application adjudication processing in response to Ahmed vs. DHS settlement | Determine whether missed aliases or incomplete resolution of potential matches to derogatory records have increased following the Ahmed vs. DHS settlement agreement |
USCIS | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | Review of DHS Preparations for the End of Title 42 and their Impact on Conditions of Detention in CBP Holding Facilities | Determine whether DHS adequately prepared for the end of Title 42, particularly regarding CBP's ability to meet the National Standards on Transport, Escort, Detention, and Search (TEDS) and other relevant policies and guidance for conditions of detention. |
CBP, DHS | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | Review of DHS' Implementation of the Cybersecurity Act of 2015 for Calendar Years 2023 and 2024 | Assess DHS' progress in meeting cybersecurity information requirements for calendar years 2023 and 2024, pursuant to Section 107 of the Cybersecurity Act of 2015. |
CISA | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | Review of DHS's Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation Program | To determine to what extent the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program meets acquisition requirements. |
CISA, DHS | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
Older than 30 days | Review of the United States Coast Guard's military and civilian equal employment opportunity processes | To determine the effectiveness of Coast Guard's military and civilian equal employment opportunity processes. |
Coast Guard | Champion the DHS Workforce and Strengthen the Department |
Older than 30 days | Review of U.S. Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers' Fiscal Year 2023 Drug Control Budget Formulation Compliance Report | Review DHS Components' (FLETC) assertions made in the Detailed Accounting Report for Drug Control Funds and Budget Formulation Compliance Report submitted to ONDCP and provide a conclusion about the reliability of each assertion. |
FLETC | Champion the DHS Workforce and Strengthen the Department |
Older than 30 days | Science and Technology Efforts To Protect Critical Infrastructure | To determine how well Science and Technology (S&T) has managed research, development, testing, and evaluation activities aimed at improving critical infrastructure security and resilience. |
Other | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | Secret Service's Process for Securing Former President Trump's July 13, 2024 Event | Evaluate the United States Secret Service's (Secret Service) process for securing former President Trump's July 13, 2024 campaign event. |
Secret Service | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Single Audit Act Reviews | Review nonfederal auditors’ work for compliance with OMB Circular A-133 requirements. | DHS | Promoting Management Stewardship | |
Spot Inspections of the ICE Adult Detention Facilities | Conduct unannounced spot inspections of ICE detention facilities to monitor compliance with health, safety, and civil rights standards outlined in ICE’s Performance-Based National Detention Standards. |
ICE | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches | |
Older than 30 days | Technical Assessments to Enhance Annual FISMA Reporting | Determine whether DHS and its components have implemented effective technical controls to protect sensitive information stored on and processed by its systems. |
DHS | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
Older than 30 days | Transportation Security Administration Processes for Investigating and Referring Misconduct | Determine whether Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS) Insider Threat Section (ITS) is effectively following Transportation Security Administration (TSA) processes for investigating and referring misconduct. |
TSA | Champion the DHS Workforce and Strengthen the Department |
Older than 30 days | TSA Oversight of SIDA Badges | To determine the extent to which TSA oversees airport operators' process for issuing and managing security identification display areas (SIDA) badges to access secure areas of airports. |
TSA | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | TSA's Modernization of Identity Authentication and Biometric Technology to Enhance Passenger Screening at U.S. Airports | To determine the extent to which TSA's facial recognition and identification technologies enhance security screening to identify persons of interest and authenticate flight traveler information while protecting passenger privacy. |
TSA | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) Personnel Security and Suitability Screening (PSSS) | Determine the extent to which USCIS screens for employee security clearance according to applicable laws, regulations, and guidance. |
USCIS | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Ongoing Backlog for Applications and Petitions | To determine the extent to which USCIS' has established processes to reduce immigration application and petition backlog. |
USCIS | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | U.S. Coast Guard (Coast Guard) Illegal, Unreported, & Unregulated (IUU) Fishing | Determine if the Coast Guard's intelligence-driven enforcement operations increase identification of IUU fishing vessels and deter IUU fishing. |
Coast Guard | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | U.S. Customs and Border Protection's (CBP) Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Program | Evaluate U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Border Patrol's use of small, unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), including operating requirements along the Southwest border. |
CBP | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Acquisition and Management of Detention Space | Determine to what extent U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement acquired and managed detention space contracts and agreements in accordance with federal and Department requirements. |
ICE | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Oversight of its Electronic Health Record System | Determine to what extent Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Electronic Health Record system addresses capability needs for transfer and access of medical records. |
ICE | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |
Older than 30 days | U.S. Secret Service Counter Sniper Preparedness and Operations | To determine the extent to which the USSS Counter Sniper Team is prepared to respond to threats at events attended by designated protectees. |
Secret Service | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | U.S. Secret Service Planning and Implementation Activities for Protective Operations | To determine the extent to which the Secret Service's planning and implementation activities ensures the safety and security of designated protectees. |
Secret Service | Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats |
Older than 30 days | Unannounced Inspections of CBP Holding Facilities | Determine whether U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) complies with national standards for Transport, Escort, Detention, and Search (TEDS) and, when applicable, with other standards, policies, and directives related to conditions of detention for migrants. |
CBP | Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches |
Older than 30 days | United States Secret Service Management and Security of Mobile Devices | To determine whether the United States Secret Service manages and secures mobile devices used to conduct official government business. |
Secret Service | Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure |