In April 2012, in response to its growing caseload and limited resources, the Watchlisting Cell proposed to decentralize its watchlist nomination process by providing watchlist analyst training and certification to analysts in DHS operational components, and then delegating to the certified watchlist analysts the authority to submit terrorist nominations. We reviewed the Watchlisting Cell to determine whether (1) it is timely, effective, and efficient in submitting DHS nominations; (2) the information provided to external partners is complete, accurate, and timely; (3) establishing the Watchlisting Cell has had an effect on the DHS component nomination process; and (4) the Watchlisting Cell has developed and communicated effective policies and procedures for coordinating nomination submissions within DHS. We also reviewed whether the Watchlisting Cell has developed an effective process for providing nominator certification training, quality assurance, and the oversight necessary for decentralization, and whether it has developed an effective methodology for planning and coordinating its resources.
DHS’ Watchlisting Cell’s Efforts To Coordinate Departmental Nominations (Redacted)
Executive Summary
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DHS Agency
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Fiscal Year