The County received a PA award of $7.5 million from the State of Arizona Division of Emergency Management (ADEM), a FEMA grantee, for damages resulting from severe storms and flooding. which occurred from July 25 to August 4, 2006, The award provided 75 percent FEMA funding for 28 large and 19 small projects: The audit covered the period from July 25, 2006, t o February 19, 2013. We audited seven large projects with award amounts totaling $4. 1 million and project charges totaling $3.5 miIlion. We also performed a limited review of one small project and 16 1arge projects with award amount totaling $2.3 million and project charges totaling $ 1.8 million, to identify any unused funds that should be deobligated and put to better use.
FEMA Needs To Deobligate $1.1 Million in Unneeded Funding and Disallow $52,812 in Unsupported Costs Associated With the FEMA PA Grant Awarded toPima County, Arizona
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