Our audit objective Is to determine whether the County accounted for and expended FEMA PA grant funds according to federal regulation and FEMA guide lines. The california Emergency Managemenl Agency (Cal EMA), a FEMA grantee, awarded t he County $54.9 million for costs resulting from storms, flooding. debris flows, and mudslides during the period of Decemher 27, 2004, through January 11, 2005. The award provided 75 percent FEMA funding for 143 large projects and 3S small projects. Our audit covered the period from December 27, 2004, to January 29, 2013. We are in the process of auditing a total of 108 large projects, with total awarded funding of $44.S million. We are comprehensively auditing 12 of those projects-with total awarded funding of $17.0 million- and auditing 96 projects - with total awarded funding of $27.8 miliion- exclusively for funds that can be deobligated and put to better use.
Unneeded Funding and Management Challenges Associated with the FEMA Grant Awarded to Los Angeles County, California: Third Interim Report
Executive Summary
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Fiscal Year